Now I know you’ll all get emotional at the news, but this will be my last blog article until Tuesday 3rd January. I need a proper break to recharge the ol’ batteries. So I thought I’d share some pictures I shot at the start of December as a last bit of fun for you before the break.
This was the combined 1st anniversary of the new landlord, Mark Birchall, at The Inn at Freshford, as well as a good opportunity for a bit of an early Christmas knees-up for the Freshford villagers and friends of Mark.
To make it extra special Mark asked Sgt Pepper’s Only Dartboard Band to come along as the live entertainment. Just a three-piece (I think Ringo was having a break; that or there wasn’t room for a drum kit), but they still rocked. I’d seen Sgt Pepper at The Cheese and Grain one New Year’s Eve, and I can testify that they’re great fun and very true to the sound of The Beatles, right down to the sarky remarks from ‘John’ and ‘Paul’.

The audience get into the spirit of the event
Not only was it a pleasure to work for Mark that evening, who has to be the most gregarious pub landlord I’ve ever met, but the music was FAB too. I hope the pictures captured something of the atmosphere which, Sgt Pepper outfits aside, was redolent of an early Cavern gig… not that I ever went to one. I was born in 1966.

Landlord Mark Burchill with the Sgt Pepper band
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my readers. Only my readers though 😉