I’ll take my own photos, thanks.

Apart from those posts where I apologise for not posting that week, this may be one of the shortest posts I have ever written.

I will simply say that every photo you see on my website was taken by me, while it would appear other photographic outfits buy in royalty free stock imagery to illustrate the kind of work they’d like to do, but can’t back up with their own examples.

That is all. Have a lovely week.


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  • Ken of London February 7, 2012  

    Bloody hell Tim

    I am stunned!

    How is that even legal or moral or whatever?

    I am with you, all my sins were created by me.

    You have a lovely week to mate



    • Glass Eye February 7, 2012  

      Assuming the photos have been paid for, I suppose it’s legal. Morally, well I couldn’t possibly comment.
